• Sunday, 16 June 2024

Kurdistan Region Announces Official Work Suspension on Anniversary of Saddam Hussein's Regime Fall

Gulan Media April 6, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Announces Official Work Suspension on Anniversary of Saddam Hussein's Regime Fall

The Kurdistan Regional Government has declared that official work will be suspended on the upcoming Sunday, in commemoration of the anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003. The announcement was made by the Department of Media and Information, which stated that the suspension of official work is in honor of the liberation of Iraq by the American forces and their allies in the spring of 2003.

In a statement, the department clarified that the holiday will encompass all government departments and institutions in the region. This decision comes as part of the annual tradition of celebrating the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, which has been observed in the region since the regime's overthrow in 2003.

The Kurdistan Region played a significant role in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, with Kurdish fighters collaborating with the US-led coalition to topple the government in Baghdad. The event marked a significant turning point in Iraq's history, with the country transitioning to a democratic system of government.

The suspension of official work on Sunday will provide an opportunity for the people of the Kurdistan Region to reflect on the sacrifices made during the liberation of Iraq, and to pay tribute to the brave men and women who fought to bring about a new era of freedom and democracy in the country.
