• Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Prime Minister Barzani issues two decrees on International Mother (Tongue) Language Day

Gulan Media February 22, 2023 News
Prime Minister Barzani issues two decrees on International Mother (Tongue) Language Day

Kurdistan Region Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani issued two decrees, on the importance of the Kurdish language on Tuesday.

Decision 1:

Preparation of an appropriate Kurdish language learning program for foreign residents in the Kurdistan Region, by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Education in coordination with the Kurdish Academy and experts in this field.

Decision 2:

For all ministries
Subject: Attention to Kurdish Language

According to the provisions of the Official Languages Law in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq No. (6) of 2014, in order to protect the Kurdish language as the main language in the Kurdistan Region, take necessary action to write signs in the Kurdish language in all governmental and non-governmental institutions,  representations and consulates of foreign countries, organizations, companies and private sector institutions. At the same time, menus, guides and instructions should be available in Kurdish language in all hotels, tourist areas and restaurants.
