• Sunday, 16 June 2024

Kurdistan Region has high-level status for Vatican, Italy

Gulan Media February 21, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region has high-level status for Vatican, Italy

In Italy’s capital, Rome, the Kurdish flag is waving on the building of Kurdistan Region Government’s Representative Office. Not long ago, the Prime Minister of Italy paid a visit to Kurdistan.

Rezan Mohamad Saleh Qadir, who has been assigned for several past years as KRG’s representative, talks about the historic relations between Kurdistan and Italy.

The KRG representative says: “In a historical point of view, Italy is very close to Kurdistan. The ties have been even more strong through the Kurdistan Region Government. Italy had played a role in creating a “no fly zone” in Kurdistan during the war against Saddam. The county has always been supportive during Kurdistan’s difficult times.

The Kurdistan Region has a significant place for Italy in terms of geopolitics. Moreover, the Vatican City, as one of the most sacred places in Christendom, considers Kurdistan a significant place. The frequent meetings of Kurdistan officials with the Pope of the Vatican is an indication of mutual relations.

The KRG Representative said: “The Vatican is known as the most powerful and greatest independent city-state. The Vatican is seen as the center for World’s Christians, while Italy has the World's largest army. Therefore, it means a lot to us that we were allowed to have a representative office there. This is an indication of Kurdistan’s role in supporting Christians and the peaceful coexistence that exists in the region.”

The news on Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who was the third Italian PM to visit Kurdistan, was largely covered in Italian media and was considered a noteworthy political and economic event. Speaking on this matter, Qadir said: “the Italian Prime Minister’s first visit was to Iraq and Kurdistan. Why did she come to Kurdistan after visiting Baghdad? Because Kurdistan holds a special position. The news of this visit was covered by most Italian media, even though her visit coincided with the new year. This is all because Kurdistan has been embraced Christians. With Italy, we have a great chance for trade exchange, as well. Our diplomatic relations satisfied the Italian Prime Minister, too.”
