• Sunday, 16 June 2024

All roads in Kurdistan Region will be re-marked

Gulan Media December 27, 2022 News
All roads in Kurdistan Region will be re-marked

The Kurdistan Region Government’s (KRG) Ninth Cabinet has allocated 8 billion Iraqi dinars for road marking to be conducted through 10 special devices and implemented by around 100 local workers.

Director General of Diwan at the Ministry of Interior, Dr. Hemin Mirany says “road marking is a part of the interior ministry’s package to lessen road accidents.”

The provincial directorates and independent administrations will manage the process going forward, according to Dr. Mirany. It was previously managed by private companies.

“About 5 billion Iraqi dinars worth of road marking equipment was purchased from a well-known European company, they are of the latest model, while 3 billion Iraqi dinars worth of paint was purchased from another international company and trained employees will manage the equipment creating job opportunities for a number of local youth who have received the necessary training for the use of equipment and paint. The process has begun in Erbil due to the favorable weather. All the other departments are prepared to start the process in March,” Dr. Mirany added. The process will be carried out 8 hours a day starting in spring.

The employees are hired on a contractual basis and according to the needs of the provinces and independent administrations. They have received training for 1 to 2 weeks.

Regarding the type, quality and production of the paint used in the process, the Director of Traffic Engineering Directorate in Erbil, Dilan Abdullah said “the project, which will be implemented by the Traffic Engineering Directorate, is beneficial in two ways. First is the cost, which is very different than before when it was implemented by companies. The second point is the quality of the paint, which has been purchased from a known and good company and it will last longer.”

One kilometer of road painting cost 3 million and 600 Iraqi dinars through private companies, but the KRG will now implement the work and the cost of each kilometer has been reduced to 1 million and 500 Iraqi dinars. This project is a part of the government’s efforts to reduce expenditures and strengthen road infrastructure in the Kurdistan Region.
