• Monday, 22 July 2024

Statement by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani

Gulan Media February 24, 2022 News
Statement by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani

I’m deeply troubled by recent violence towards women in the Kurdistan Region. I reiterate what I have said; there’s no honor in honor killings.

I have discussed with the Interior Minister the horrific case of Shinyar Xan. I have thanked our frontline police for making the arrest: you have my full support.

Nine innocent women have been taken from us by domestic violence this year. That’s nine young potential leaders stolen by unjustifiable abuse; nine families shattered, and nine murders in a society that should know better. This must stop. We must all vehemently condemn these crimes, and as a government impose the heaviest possible penalty on perpetrators.

I’m determined to protect every woman, girl, and child from abuse. I recognize that real change needs a new approach that takes our current protection measures further. I will push for advocates to build meaningful dialogue between civil society and religious and community leaders; government to increase support for frontline responders, and judges to lead judicial reform.

I will meet with grassroots organizers in the near future to understand what more we can do together. This scourge must end.

Masrour Barzani
Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government

23 Feb 2022
