• Monday, 22 July 2024

KRG to Continue Implementing Reform Agenda Despite Various Challenges: PM Barzani

KRG to Continue Implementing Reform Agenda Despite Various Challenges: PM Barzani
ERBIL - In spite of various challenges the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is facing, the ninth cabinet will continue to implement its reform agenda, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani stated on Sunday.

Barzani made the remarks during a speech he delivered at the opening ceremony of the Zawa Mountain Telepherique tourist project in Duhok where he reminded that "the project will not only benefit the people of Duhok by creating new jobs; it will also provide new opportunities for people to enjoy what our land has to offer."

Although the Kurdistan Region, similarly to Iraq, mostly relies on oil revenues, this cabinet of the KRG has been making efforts to diversify its sources of revenues.

"This project is one more example of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s ongoing efforts to diversify Kurdistan’s economy and strengthen its tourism sector," Barzani said.

"Despite the challenges we are facing, including a global pandemic, shrinking oil prices, and the lack of financial support from the Federal Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government will continue to implement its reform agenda and invest in landmark projects that will strengthen its economy."

The Kurdish premier also reiterated his cabinet's commitment to ensure safety and prosperity as a choice investment destination in the Kurdistan Region.

However, the Kurdish leader revealed that Baghdad has not delivered Erbil's share from the federal budget bill over the past 11 months.
