• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Turkish Forces Torture Kurdish Porter to Death: Monitor

Gulan Media April 18, 2021 News
Turkish Forces Torture Kurdish Porter to Death: Monitor
ERBIL - Turkish forces have tortured a Kurdish porter, also known as Kolbars, to death, a human rights group reported on Saturday.

The Turkish border guards on Thursday, April 15, arrested two Kurdish porters in the mountainous areas of Chaldoran County, West Azerbaijan Province, Hengaw Organization for Human Rights said.

Hengaw added that one of the Kolbars lost his life under torture by the Turkish forces while the other one had managed to escape the area, adding that he is now receiving medical treatment at a Chaldoran hospital.

The father of three children was 35 years old, the monitor said, identifying him as Hassan Kachalanlu.

The Turkish forces had previously tortured another Kurdish Kolbar to death in mid-March, according to Hengaw agency.

Meanwhile, at least one Kurdish porter lost his life after falling from heights in Baneh city on Saturday. Hengaw explained that the Iranian border guards had chased him in the mountainous areas.
