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44 killed, 133 wounded in Iraqi violence

Gulan Media September 16, 2013 News
44 killed, 133 wounded in Iraqi violence
At least 44 people were killed and 133 others wounded in separate violent attacks across Iraq on Sunday, police and sources said.

Three people were killed and 12 others wounded when a roadside bomb exploded inside a popular cafe in the Shala area of northwestern Baghdad, an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua anonymously.

Unidentified gunmen also stormed into the house of a local leader of the government-backed Sahwa militia group, killing him, his wife and two of his children in the Rashid area of southern Baghdad, the source added.

On condition of anonymity, a local police source told Xinhua that two car bombs went off successively at a marketplace in the al- Debis area, some 25 km northwest of Kirkuk, killing two people and wounding 16 others.

Additionally, in Iraq's eastern province of Diyala, a police source revealed two farmers were shot dead in their orchard by gunmen in the town of Abu Sayda, some 30 km north of the provincial capital city of Baquba, about 65 km northeast of Baghdad.

In a separate incident just south of Baquba, in the city of Buhruz, a roadside bomb detonated near a house, wounding three people, the source said.

Two people were killed and seven others wounded in a car bomb attack in the Meshatal area of southern Baghdad on Sunday evening, the Interior Ministry source told Xinhua.

Earlier in the day, up to 31 people were killed and 95 wounded across Iraq in a series of bombings, including 12 car bomb attacks, mostly in the Shiite-dominated southern provinces.

Two car bombs struck a marketplace in the city of Hillah, some 100 km south of Baghdad, while a third went off in an industrial area, a local police source said on condition of anonymity. The three bombings killed a total of 18 people and wounded 35 others, the source said.

In Iraq's eastern province of Wasit, two car bombs went off outside a restaurant in the town of Hafriyah, some 60 km southeast of Baghdad, killing two people and wounding 10 others, a provincial police source told Xinhua.

Another two car bombs went off in succession at a parking lot in the town of Swayra, some 70 km southeast of Baghdad, wounding three people and leaving some 30 cars burnt, the source said.

Meanwhile, a roadside bomb went off in Wasit's provincial capital of Kut, some 170 km southeast of Baghdad, wounding a civilian, the source added.

Elsewhere, three people were killed and 18 wounded in a roadside bomb explosion in an industrial area at the entrance of the holy Shiite city of Karbala, some 110 km south of Baghdad, a local police source said, while in southern Iraq, two car bombs ripped through the city of Nasriyah, some 375 km south of Baghdad, wounding 11 people.

Also in the south, a car bomb detonated in the oil-hub city of Basra, killing three people and wounding 11 others, a local police source said.

In a separate incident, Xinhua has learned that a civilian was killed and four wounded when a booby-trapped car went off near the convoy of Ryadh al- Adhadh, chairman of Baghdad Provincial Council, in Baghdad's northern district of Adhamiyah.

Adhadh escaped the blast unharmed and his convoy safely continued their way, a source said.

Separately, a civilian was killed and another wounded in a roadside bombing in Abu Ghraib area, about 25 km west of Baghdad, while another civilian was wounded when a sticky bomb attached to his car exploded in the Abu Dsheer district, in the southern part of the capital, the source added.

In northern Iraq, gunmen shot dead three passengers after stopping their car on a main road in northern the city of Shirqat, some 280 km north of Baghdad, a local police source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attacks, but the al-Qaeda front in Iraq, in most cases, were responsible for such suicide bombings.