• Thursday, 16 January 2025

Jabar Yawar: No Kurdish Peshmarga forces in Baghdad's Green zone

Gulan Media August 13, 2013 News
Jabar Yawar: No Kurdish Peshmarga forces in Baghdad's Green zone
Ministry of Peshmarga in Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) denied on Tuesday news that guards forces were brought from the region known as "Peshmarga" to Baghdad to protect the Green Zone.

“There is no element from Peshmarga brought to Baghdad, what was said is inaccurate and untrue,” The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Peshmarga, Jabar Yawar said.

The Ministry of Peshmarga has recently offered Baghdad to deploy its forces in hot areas of the country, especially the capital as part of a new initiative to restore missing stability in Iraq.

This initiative came after violence escalated dramatically in Iraq and killed nearly a thousand people in one month, in a way that shows the failure of Iraqi forces to maintain security.

Yawar said “Peshmarga presented an initiative on Baghdad to bring forces to fight terrorism," adding that "Baghdad welcomed it, but it did not ask us yet”.

Relations between Kurdistan and Baghdad have improved since officials exchanged visits between them and the formation of committees to resolve differences and outstanding problems since years ago.