Muslim communities to begin Ramadan on Wednesday
The Darul Iftah is also known as “House of Opinions,” with an oversight group of Muslim theologians.
Ustadz Jaafar Ali, a senior member of the Darul Iftah, said local Muslim communities have to start fasting from dawn to dusk on July 10.
Physically-fit Muslims are obliged to abstain from food and drinks from dawn to dusk during the Ramadan season, which lasts for 28 to 29 days. The Ramadan comes after the Islamic month of Shaban in the Hijrah calendar.
Fasting during the Ramadan is one of the so-called “five pillars” of the Islamic faith, which include absolute belief in Allah, praying five times a day facing the west, going at least once in a lifetime to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj, and giving of zakat (alms) to the poor. Muslims focus on good deeds and reparations for wrongdoings during the fasting season.
Muslims believe it was during Ramadan when Allah first sent Archangel Gabriel to reveal to Mohammad the latter's mission of spreading a faith that was to become known as Islam, which literally means peace.