• Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Two car bomb attacks in the Tuz Khormato city

Gulan Media June 23, 2013 News
Two car bomb attacks in the Tuz Khormato city
Two Suicide bombers and a gunman assaulted a police station in Tuz Khormato city on Sunday, one of several attacks across the country that left seven dead.

The commander of the army's 12th Division, Brig. Gen. Mohammed Khalaf, said the assault on the police station near the town of Hawija started with a gunman on foot opening fire on the guards. A suicide bomber with an explosives-laden belt then blew himself up in the reception area and a suicide car bomber rammed his vehicle into the building, Khalaf added. Three policemen were killed and five others wounded.

In the city of Tuz Khormato, gunmen on motorcycles riddled a civilian vehicle carrying four off-duty policemen with bullets, killing three and wounding the other.