Global youth jobless total rises
The International Labour Office (ILO) said that youth unemployment is on the rise again after falling four years ago and that more young people are now almost three times more likely than adults to be seeking work.
It is a grim picture globally as more than 70 million school leavers and graduates are expected to be on the jobless total this year. Europe’s faltering economy has furthered aggravated the problem across the European Union.
The ILO also said that, for those who do find work, the outcome is often far from ideal – damaging the prospects of both the individuals and the wider economy.
With increasing numbers having to settle for part-time work or temporary jobs, a skills mis-match has become a “persistent and growing trend”.
But the bigger problem lies with what the ILO called the “Neet” group – neither in employment nor in education or training.
Around one in six young people worldwide are without a job, nor in training or school – a trend more pronounced in Europe. In Spain and Greece for example, more than one in two young people are unemployed.