KRG launches first bi-monthly Review of Kurdistan
IIG’s publications on the Kurdistan Region will be a full Review, expected to be completed by July 2013, and three shorter bi-monthly publications, the first of which has just been launched. It includes economy and finance, energy, construction, agriculture, education, life and culture, as well as politics and diplomacy.
Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir, the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, signed the agreement in November 2012. He said, “This six-month project will provide visitors and investors alike with rich insights about our developing region and the opportunities it has to offer.”
“The final publication will contain fresh facts and figures about the state of our region, and we are confident that it will play a significant part of our outreach campaign,” he added.
IIG Project Director Margaret Cotter said, “We are very pleased to have met so many forward-thinking individuals, companies, and government officials in our research thus far, and I believe this publication reflects the entrepreneurial spirit and innovative nature of the Kurdistan Region."
The team based in Erbil includes Mr Taylor Rockwell, Project Editor for Kurdistan Review 2013. The next bi-monthly update is due in May, and the full review is due to be completed by July this year.