• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Ki-moon says Egypt violence is excessive

Gulan Media December 19, 2011 News
Ki-moon says Egypt violence is excessive
United Nations leader Ban Ki-moon has accused Egyptian security forces of using 'excessive' violence against protesters after a third straight day of deadly clashes in Cairo.

Ban is 'very concerned by the resurgence of violence,' his spokesman Martin Nesirky said on Sunday.

'The secretary-general is highly alarmed by the excessive use of force employed by the security forces against protesters and calls for the transitional authorities to act with restraint and uphold human rights, including the right to peaceful protest.'

Ban also stressed 'the importance of an atmosphere of calm to support Egypt's electoral process as part of its transition to democracy and the early establishment of civilian rule.'

At least 10 people were killed in the latest unrest in the Egyptian capital on Sunday, overshadowing the count in the first post-revolution vote that shows Islamists in the lead.

Source: Sky News