• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

MP Salim al-Jabbouri allegedly charged with terrorism

Gulan Media October 13, 2011 News
MP Salim al-Jabbouri allegedly charged with terrorism
A district court in Karkh obviously issued an arrest warrant for Salim Abdullah al-Jabbouri, head of the parliamentary Human Rights Commission, on charges of "terrorism", according to a source in the parliament.

The Presdident of the Parliament obviously already received the arrest warrant on June 13, the source, who preferred anonymity, said.

"The presidency of the parliament has not called the MPs yet to disband Jabbouri's immunity, since the presidency still hopes to settle the issue between the political parties," the source said.

According to the source, arrested terrorists, who were accused of bombings, kidnappings and assassinations, claimes that had received financial support from Jabbouri. Police allegedly also found evidence -- CDs, photos and documents -- that indicate Jabbouri's involvement in terrorist activities.

Jabbouri is a leader in the Iraqi Islamic Party. Before he became head of the Human Rights Commission, he was vice-president of the Legal Committee in the previous parliamentary session.

Jabbouri is seventh MP who is accused of "terrorism" since the fall of the former regime in 2003.
