• Monday, 22 July 2024

Masoud Barzani congratulates Kurdistan on Eid holiday, calls for political unity

Masoud Barzani congratulates Kurdistan on Eid holiday, calls for political unity
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Masoud Barzani, leader of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), congratulated the people of Kurdistan Region and the followers of Islam in general on the Eid holiday that comes at the close of the holy month of Ramadan, calling on all political sides to unify in facing present hardships that the autonomous region is struggling to overcome.

“On the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, I extend my warmest congratulations to the Muslims of the world; Muslims in Iraq, and those in the Kurdistan Region in particular,” he said. “I also congratulate the families of the honorable and proud martyrs, Kurdistan Region’s Peshmerga, all employees of the security and health institutions in the region, and all related parties who exerted much effort during the previous months to protect the safety of citizens.”

In recent years, Eid holidays have led to an influx of visitors to the Kurdistan Region from the rest of Iraq and neighboring Iran who come to enjoy its cities or scenic countryside. Such holidays have become a major part of the region’s tourism economy, now already in the midst of a crisis as a result of budget disputes with the federal government and the far-reaching effects of COVID-19 that include drastically plummeting oil prices.

Barzani continued, “Because of the corona pandemic, the political crises in Iraq, and the deteriorating local and global economic conditions, the Kurdistan Region is unfortunately going through sensitive and unusual conditions and faces new challenges.”

“Therefore, I take this opportunity to invite the political parties in the Kurdistan Region to uphold their national responsibilities and patriotism, to choose the path of harmony, brotherhood and unity to confront the challenges ahead and overcome the difficult time the region is facing.”

Barzani urged all political parties to practice solidarity and work towards “addressing the problems of citizens and removing obstacles in their way instead of creating conflict between each other,“ adding that “all the gains of the people of Kurdistan Region were achieved and embodied in the shadow of the unity of the classes and sense of responsibility.”

“On this blessed occasion,” he concluded, “I wish happiness to all the dear citizens of Kurdistan Region. I pray to God Almighty to accept the worship and fasting of all Muslims and that this holiday becomes a time for the end of terrorism, suffering, and the return of safety and tranquillity to all humanity.”