• Sunday, 20 October 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani: The responsibility for shaping the future of Kurdistan lies with university graduates

Gulan Media October 18, 2024 News
President Nechirvan Barzani: The responsibility for shaping the future of Kurdistan lies with university graduates

President Nechirvan Barzani participated in the 29th graduation ceremony of Duhok University, held in Duhok on Thursday evening. The event was attended by the families and relatives of the graduates and a number of officials and university professors.

President Nechirvan Barzani addressed the audience during the ceremony. Below is a readout of his remarks:

Dear teachers and families of graduates,
Dear guests and attendees,

Wish you a pleasant evening,
You are all very welcome.

It is a distinct honor to be present today alongside the enthusiastic gathering of 5,051 young individuals, representing 19 different colleges, who are graduates of the 29th cohort of Duhok University.

Dear graduates,
I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you, your families, and your educators. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. This evening marks not only a graduation ceremony for you but also the commencement of a new chapter in your professional journey.

You have dedicated numerous years to diligent work and academic pursuits at the present university. Your efforts have been focused on achieving success, realizing your aspirations, and fulfilling your objectives.

Obtaining a certificate from Duhok University is a significant accomplishment. However, it is important to recognize that this certificate not only symbolizes your academic and professional success but also imposes a considerable responsibility to apply your knowledge. You are encouraged to utilize this achievement to contribute to your community and to foster a better and more promising future for your nation.

You have excelled in a diverse array of disciplines. Your extensive learning encompasses a wide range of knowledge and sciences, including the humanities, natural sciences, engineering, medicine, information technology, management, and numerous other areas that have brought you to this point today.

This approach enables us to confront the challenges that await us, including those that you will encounter, and to explore solutions for the issues that arise.

Dear students,
The world is evolving rapidly, necessitating that one adapts to contemporary demands and challenges. In this intricate and demanding environment, both the nation and society require individuals who are intelligent, experienced, and proactive, capable of critical and constructive thinking to devise innovative scientific solutions. It is essential to address various issues with modern and effective approaches. You are now in a position to effect meaningful change.

It is essential to contribute positively not only to the realms of professional and academic education but also to the social, cultural, economic, administrative, and political landscape of Kurdistan.

Numerous social and economic challenges exist in Kurdistan and Iraq. It is important to recognize that university graduates can significantly contribute to addressing these issues. Their involvement can foster innovation in the realms of employment and business, as well as enhance the development of programs, strategies, and public policies.

Dear students, don't forget:
You embody the aspirations of this nation for a more promising future. Consequently, the responsibilities you bear are not simple; they are challenging as you work towards the advancement of our nation’s future.

Our nation has experienced numerous diseases, disasters, challenges, and crises. It is essential for us to collaborate in order to create a society characterized by respect, justice, and equality.

You are about to embark on a new journey, so ready yourselves to attain your ambitious and noble objectives. Take pride in your commitment to your nation and your service to your country. The weight of responsibility upon you is significant. We have complete faith in your ability to carry out your duties with success and honor, even amidst the challenges confronting our nation and country.

Dear attendees,
Dear teachers and graduates,

Education serves as the fundamental cornerstone for the advancement of any society. A society aspiring for health and progress must prioritize education. The acquisition of science and knowledge is essential for the prosperity of any nation. A nation that once faced poverty and hardship recognized the importance of education, making it a priority to elevate itself from its struggles. Today, we observe that nation as one of the most developed countries globally.

It is essential for them to continually stay informed about the most recent scientific advancements globally. We should all strive to achieve this objective and not fall behind in the current wave of progress in the world.

It is essential for our universities to give significant consideration to technology and its application across all facets of life. Special emphasis should be placed on artificial intelligence, with a focus on both its present and prospective opportunities and challenges. The issue of climate change, along with the commitment to address and mitigate its associated risks, must be regarded with utmost seriousness. It is important to acknowledge that Iraq is among the nations that have been profoundly impacted by climate change.

It is essential to focus on scientific research institutions and enhance collaboration between Kurdistan, Iraq, and the global community. Our universities ought to be fully integrated with the world's universities and research centers.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the graduates and express my gratitude to the Presidency and faculty of Duhok University. Your dedication, hard work, and commitment to educating these esteemed graduates are commendable. On behalf of myself and all present, I warmly congratulate and thank you. Furthermore, I wholeheartedly support and appreciate the initiatives undertaken by Duhok University to enhance the institution and elevate the quality of education. I wish you continued success in this endeavor, with God's blessings.

Dear students, I would like to express gratitude on your behalf to your parents, families, and relatives who have consistently provided support and assistance in your educational journey. Their commitment, sacrifices, and encouragement are deeply valued and appreciated.

Dear graduates,
Dear young people,

You must remember that you embody the hope and future of Kurdistan. Your forebears defended Kurdistan with their lives, blood, struggles, and sacrifices. Today, the responsibility of this nation rests upon your shoulders; Kurdistan is entrusted to you. I wish you all ongoing success and advancement.

To establish a thriving society, one that is progressive and imbued with hope and honor, I trust that you will champion the cause and elevate Kurdistan to new heights. It is my sincere hope that you recognize this responsibility and continue to advance our shared vision.

Salutations to the spirits of the martyrs of Kurdistan, for it is through their sacrifices of life and blood that Kurdistan stands free and thriving today, and it shall continue to flourish in the future.

Continue your efforts. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you and wish you a pleasant evening. Once more, congratulations to everyone, and may you enjoy good fortune and longevity.

Welcome again.
