• Sunday, 27 October 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani: The unification of the Peshmerga will be achieved successfully

Gulan Media October 17, 2024 News
President Nechirvan Barzani: The unification of the Peshmerga will be achieved successfully

President Nechirvan Barzani participated in the 29th graduation ceremony of Zakho Military College this morning. The event was attended by officials from the Kurdistan Region, representatives from political parties, military commanders, officers, educators from military institutions, and family members of the graduates.

After the military parade, President Nechirvan Barzani addressed the audience during the ceremony. The following is a readout of his speech:

Dear Graduates
Dear Attendees,

Good morning, and welcome all.

I am honored to take part in the 29th graduation ceremony of the Second Military College of Zakho. The achievement of 792 young officers in completing their military, academic, and practical education is a significant source of pride for us and for all the people of Kurdistan.

It is with immense honor and pride that I acknowledge your decision to pursue military studies and become Peshmerga officers following the completion of your university education. This choice reflects your deep commitment and loyalty to both your service and to Kurdistan. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and extend my heartfelt wishes for your success.

Among the graduates, there are 50 young women, 13 individuals from the Yezidi community, and one graduate from the Kakayi community. This achievement is a shared source of joy for us all. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of you, as well as to your families and loved ones who are joining us in this celebration today. Congratulations to them, congratulations to you, and I wish you all continued success.

I am commemorating this occasion with your families today, and I take great pride in your achievements. Your families share in this pride as well.

It is my honor to acknowledge the presence of an individual among us today who is participating in this ceremony in a paternal capacity. He is one of our esteemed commanders who has made significant contributions to Kurdistan and, regrettably, sustained injuries during the Iraqi War of liberation. We are privileged to have him with us today. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Mr. Wajih Barzani with a round of applause.

As a family, we take great pride in your achievements, especially as we gather here today to celebrate. It is with immense pride that I acknowledge one of the graduates, who is the son of a dedicated father. This father has not only guided his son along the path he himself once traversed but has also instilled in him the values of perseverance and sacrifice for the liberation of Iraq and the advancement of our nation. We hope that you all continue to thrive and find success in your endeavors. Uncle Waji, we extend a warm welcome to you. Your contributions to the Kurdistan Army will undoubtedly be remembered as a significant chapter in the history of the Peshmerga and Kurdistan. We are all immensely proud of you and wish you continued success. It is my hope that the participation of women in these programs will see a notable increase in the future.

Dear graduates,
Since its inception, the Peshmerga has represented a source of pride, honor, and significant responsibility. The introduction of the name Peshmerga has continually bolstered the faith of the people of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Region in their cause and rightful claims.

Peshmerga represents a profound commitment and a vital component of Kurdistan's national identity. It embodies the enduring legacy of our struggle to safeguard our nation and preserve Kurdistan. Consequently, your graduation today signifies not a conclusion, but rather a new beginning in this ongoing journey.

Today marks the commencement of your new role and responsibilities within the government institutions of Kurdistan. This opportunity is a significant honor for both you and all of us. Over the past nine months of training and education, you have acquired valuable experience that will enable you to serve your country effectively starting today.

Your qualifications represent more than mere academic success; they embody a commitment to honor, a testament to loyalty, and a profound trust to serve your nation. They signify your preparedness to make any sacrifice for the betterment of your country.

The Peshmerga have played a pivotal role in the history of the Kurdistan people's liberation movement, demonstrating remarkable sacrifices. They have shed their blood and exemplified the spirit of resistance in their quest to protect Kurdistan and their nation. The legacy of the heroic Peshmerga is marked by significant sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom and the glory of Kurdistan. Throughout their history, the Peshmerga have steadfastly refused to submit to the enemy.

Recently, when the most formidable terrorist organization globally launched an assault on Iraq and Kurdistan, it was the Peshmerga who valiantly overcame the threat posed by ISIS through their courage and determination. They ensured that Kurdistan did not succumb to the control of terrorists. Consequently, as long as the Kurdish people and Kurdistan exist, the Peshmerga will continue to serve as a source of inspiration and a guardian for the people of Kurdistan, embodying the spirit of resistance. We hereby honor the sacrifices of those martyrs who fought and gave their lives in this noble cause.

I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the appreciation of the Kurdistan Region for the support extended to the Peshmerga in the battle against ISIS. The aid provided to the Peshmerga, as well as to the Iraqi army, was both strategic and pivotal. This collaboration serves as a tangible illustration of international cooperation in addressing the significant challenges we faced together.

It is essential to address the collaboration and synergy between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi army in their fight against terrorism. Notably, the cooperative efforts we have undertaken with both the Peshmerga and the Iraqi army, particularly in relation to Article (140), have been instrumental in establishing security and peace. On this occasion, we honor the sacrifices made by the martyrs who gave their lives in defense of Iraq, including members of the Iraqi army, Hashdi Shaabi, and Peshmerga forces. We remain convinced that ISIS continues to pose a significant threat to the security of Iraq and the broader region.

It is essential to maintain ongoing collaboration between the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga forces. This partnership must persist, as we must remember the sacrifices we have all made to protect both Iraq and Kurdistan. I am optimistic that our sustained cooperation will lead to enhanced security for Iraq and a prosperous future for all its inhabitants, including those in Kurdistan. The Peshmerga plays a vital role within the Iraqi defense framework; therefore, it is imperative for Iraq to meet its legal responsibilities towards the Peshmerga by providing necessary support and armament. The Peshmerga should not be viewed as a threat; rather, they are the guardians of Iraq, Kurdistan, and humanity.

I extend my gratitude to the United States military and other international coalition partners for their ongoing assistance in the reform efforts of the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs aimed at reorganizing and unifying the forces.

This process does not align with our aspirations, nor does it reflect the wishes of others involved. Challenges persist, and progress is slow. It is imperative that we all commit to working diligently to ensure the success of this initiative. We must not let down our friends and allies who are earnestly striving to unify the Peshmerga forces.

My communication to our allies is that, despite the gradual pace of this process, we possess a strong commitment to transforming the Peshmerga forces into a unified national force of Kurdistan. We will establish a singular force and a unified ministry. A cohesive leadership will be instituted to oversee the Peshmerga. We are determined to address all challenges and issues incrementally until this process is successfully concluded, with the assistance of divine grace.

We are resolutely dedicated to establishing a cohesive Peshmerga army. This force should function as a national army, operating under the guidance and oversight of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Ministry of Peshmerga.

Dear graduates,
The Zakho Military College has instilled in you the responsibility to uphold justice and humanity as informed and competent leaders. The core values of patriotism, sacrifice, and discipline should always be at the forefront of your thoughts and emotions, serving as guiding principles in your endeavors.

Through your education and training at this military college, which emphasizes the values of patriotism and dedication to your responsibilities and homeland, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact not only within the Peshmerga ranks but also throughout society as a whole. You can serve as exemplary figures and sources of inspiration for future generations, contributing to the creation of a brighter future.

Your responsibilities extend beyond the battlefield; you are tasked with the greater duty of fostering a peaceful and secure society. Additionally, it is your obligation to uphold democratic values and human rights. Strive to promote the significance of these principles within the community. You will serve as a role model in the pursuit of justice, unity, and the defense of the rights of all citizens in the Kurdistan Region.

We have full confidence in your ability to confront the challenges ahead and to fulfill your responsibilities in serving your country to the best of your abilities. Your role as part of the Kurdistan national force, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs, is crucial. It is imperative that you remain impartial and refrain from engaging in political disputes.

Dear Attendees,
In light of the complex circumstances in the Middle East, I wish to underscore the stance of the Kurdistan Region, which advocates for a ceasefire and a peaceful resolution to all issues at hand. It is our desire to avoid the Kurdistan Region and Iraq becoming embroiled in these conflicts. It is imperative that all possible measures are taken to avert any further escalation of the situation.

Special acknowledgment is due to the educators, officials, and administrators of the Second Military College of Zakho. Their dedication, service, and diligent efforts command profound respect. Their responsibilities are of a sacred nature, and their contributions are crucial in enhancing and advancing the mission of the Peshmerga, as well as in fostering a patriotic spirit rooted in military knowledge, camaraderie, and love for the nation.

The commitment and service you are providing through the establishment of military colleges and academies represent the highest form of loyalty to the struggles, sacrifices, and historical contributions of the Peshmerga, ensuring a brighter future for them.

May peace rest upon the souls of all martyrs who valiantly fought for Kurdistan. We extend our greetings to the living martyrs and to all the heroes who sustained injuries while fulfilling their duty to protect Kurdistan. We acknowledge that your dedication and struggle remain ever present before us.

Dear students, I extend my heartfelt wishes for a prosperous future to each of you. Once again, I offer my sincere congratulations and wish you success in all your endeavors.

Thank you.
