• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Iran and Iraq to Reopen Border Markets in Baneh and Saqqez

Iran and Iraq to Reopen Border Markets in Baneh and Saqqez

Iran and Iraq have decided to reopen the border markets in Baneh and Saqqez cities in the Iranian Kurdistan Province, according to a recent announcement.

Mohsen Biglari, the representative of Saqqez and Baneh in the Islamic Shura Council, revealed in a press statement reported by Mehr News Agency that he had discussions with Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi, the Commander of the Iranian Border Guard, regarding the conditions of the border markets in the provinces of Siranband, Hangazal, Ghalesor, Baneh, and Saif Saqqez.

"We reviewed the conditions of the border markets in the provinces of Siranband, Hangazal, Ghalesor, Baneh, and Saif Saqqez," Biglari said. He described the reopening of the border markets in these two cities as a general demand of the people.

"Fortunately, the Border Guard leadership agreed to reopen Kurdistan (Province)'s borders 100%," he added.

The reopening of these markets is significant for the region, as Iraq boasts five official crossings along its 1,599-kilometer (about 1,000-mile) border with Iran: Mandali-Sumar, Al-Munthiryah-Khosravi, Zurbatiyah-Mehran, Chazabeh, and Shalamcheh. Additionally, there are three border crossings between Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan: Haji Omeran-Tamarchin, Penjwen-Bashmaq, and Parviz Khan-Sayran Ban. The reopening is expected to bolster economic activity and improve cross-border relations between the two nations.
