• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Iraqi Authorities Seize 2.5 Million Captagon Pills in Najaf and Anbar

Iraqi Authorities Seize 2.5 Million Captagon Pills in Najaf and Anbar

Iraqi security forces have seized 2.5 million Captagon pills in two major operations in the southern provinces of Najaf and Anbar, according to an official from the Interior Ministry.

Hussein Tamimi, spokesperson for the General Directorate of Counter-Narcotics, announced on Tuesday that the operations were successful due to precise intelligence work. "Officers carried out an intelligence operation that led to the seizure of 2.5 million Captagon pills in Najaf and Anbar provinces," stated Tamimi. He emphasized that the pills were confiscated by security forces but did not provide further details about the operations.

Captagon, an amphetamine-type stimulant, is rampant in Iraq. In the first six months of 2024 alone, authorities have seized 10 tons of various drugs and arrested 6,000 suspects involved in drug trafficking and usage. Iraq, originally a transit country, has seen a significant increase in drug use in recent years, particularly of Captagon and crystal meth.

The country has become a critical conduit for Captagon, often trafficked through its porous 600-kilometer border with Syria. Iraqi authorities frequently announce large hauls of the drug as they intensify efforts to combat the escalating drug crisis.

In response to the increasing pressure from oil-rich Gulf states, the main market for Captagon, regional governments have stepped up their anti-trafficking efforts. Earlier this year, interior ministers from Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon convened in Amman to discuss strategies to combat the illegal drug trade. They agreed to establish a joint telecommunications cell for exchanging information, reflecting a unified regional approach to this growing problem.

Regional Cooperation Intensifies

The meeting in Amman marks a significant step towards regional cooperation in addressing the drug trade. The four countries are particularly impacted by the proliferation of Captagon and other narcotics, making collaborative efforts crucial.

The continued seizures and arrests underscore the seriousness of the drug problem in Iraq and the broader region. With substantial resources devoted to counter-narcotics operations, authorities hope to curb the spread of these dangerous substances.

A Growing Crisis

As Iraq grapples with this burgeoning crisis, the need for robust international support and effective regional collaboration becomes increasingly apparent. The recent operations in Najaf and Anbar highlight the ongoing commitment of Iraqi authorities to dismantling drug trafficking networks and reducing the availability of illicit drugs.
