• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Iran Signals Retaliation Against Suspected Israeli Strike in Damascus

Gulan Media April 12, 2024 News
Iran Signals Retaliation Against Suspected Israeli Strike in Damascus

Iran has indicated to allies and western nations its intention to retaliate against a suspected Israeli air strike on its Damascus consulate, according to officials briefed on diplomatic discussions. The retaliation is planned to be "calibrated" to avoid escalating into a full-scale regional conflict.

In the aftermath of the April 1 air strike on Iran’s diplomatic compound in Syria, tensions between Iran and Israel have reached a critical point, raising concerns of a direct confrontation between the two long-standing adversaries.

While Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed retaliation for the killing of Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the commander of Iran’s Quds force in Syria and Lebanon, and six other military officials, diplomatic talks between Iran and its allies suggest a measured response is being considered.

US intelligence reports suggest detailed preparations by Israel, providing a window for defensive measures. Despite the heightened tensions, Iran is unlikely to target Israeli diplomatic facilities in the region, opting instead for a response aimed at demonstrating deterrent strength while exercising restraint.

A regime insider in Tehran indicated a strategic approach to maximize the political impact of the retaliation, noting past operations aimed at exhausting Israel psychologically and keeping it on high alert.

However, several factors may limit Iran's options. The risk of further international isolation and the difficulty of targeting Israeli diplomatic assets in unfriendly nations constrain Tehran's choices. Moreover, any direct attack on Israeli territory would likely be carefully calibrated to avoid triggering a massive Israeli retaliation.

Both Israel and the US have bolstered their military readiness in anticipation of potential attacks. Israel has intensified its aerial defense systems, including the Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow, while the US has increased its military presence in the region.

Despite the preparations, there are concerns of a miscalculation leading to unintended escalation. Senior Israeli officials have warned of offensive responses to any attacks, emphasizing Israel's determination to defend itself.

As tensions persist, diplomatic efforts continue to mitigate the risk of further escalation, with both sides closely monitoring developments in the region.
