Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Remembers Feyli Kurd Genocide, Calls for Justice and Compensation

In a solemn statement issued by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Prime Minister Masrour Barzani marked the 44th anniversary of the Feyli Kurd genocide, declaring it an "unforgettable and tragic crime" aimed at eradicating Kurdish identity. The Prime Minister's remarks, released on Thursday, highlighted the harrowing plight of the Feyli Kurds who faced arrest, execution, disappearance, and forced identity deprivation during a ruthless campaign orchestrated by Iraq's former Ba’athist regime.
The Feyli Kurds, ethnically Kurdish and predominantly followers of the Shiite sect of Islam, were targeted in a systematic ethnic cleansing campaign by the Ba’athist regime in the early 1980s. The brutal campaign, spanning across regions such as Baghdad, Diyala, and Khanaqin, led to the deaths of thousands and the deportation of many others to Iran, stripping them of their Iraqi citizenship.
Prime Minister Barzani urged the Iraqi government to fulfill its constitutional and moral obligations by compensating the Feyli Kurds and all victims of the Ba’athist regime. He emphasized the need for justice for those who were unlawfully stripped of their properties and assets.
Despite official recognition of the genocide by both the Iraqi High Tribunal in 2008 and the Iraqi Parliament in 2010, the Feyli Kurds continue to be denied Iraqi citizenship and have not received compensation for the atrocities committed against them.
The genocide of the Feyli Kurds stands as a dark chapter in Kurdish history, with estimates suggesting that between 10,000 and 20,000 young Feylis lost their lives at the hands of the Ba’athist regime. The failure to address these injustices perpetuates the anguish and suffering endured by the Feyli Kurdish community.
As the Kurdistan Region commemorates the lives lost, Prime Minister Barzani concluded by honoring the memory of the Feyli Kurds and all martyrs of Kurdistan, underscoring the importance of remembrance and justice for those who suffered under tyranny.