• Monday, 17 June 2024

Iraq and Turkey in Talks to Resume Oil Exports from Kurdistan Region via Ceyhan Port

Gulan Media March 23, 2024 News
Iraq and Turkey in Talks to Resume Oil Exports from Kurdistan Region via Ceyhan Port

In a bid to resolve longstanding disputes and revive oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, Iraq and Turkey have initiated discussions to resume exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan. Bassem Ngish, a member of Iraq's parliamentary oil and natural resources committee, confirmed the resumption of talks between the two nations, emphasizing Baghdad's interest in collaborating with Ankara to address the issue.

The discussions between Iraq and Turkey are focused on resolving disputes related to oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, particularly concerning the export route through the port of Ceyhan and associated contractual matters. Ngish highlighted that these matters, which have been sources of contention in the past, are now being actively deliberated upon by the Iraqi government and Turkish authorities.

The impetus for these discussions stems from Turkey's discontinuation of the oil export route from the Kurdistan Region in March 2023. This decision came in response to an arbitration judgment issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in France. The ICC ruling mandated Turkey to compensate Baghdad for what was deemed as "unauthorized oil exports" from the Kurdistan Region during the period spanning from 2014 to 2018.

The resumption of talks between Iraq and Turkey signals a concerted effort to address disagreements and find mutually beneficial solutions regarding oil exports from the Kurdistan Region. As negotiations progress, stakeholders closely monitor developments, anticipating a potential breakthrough in resolving this protracted issue.
