• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Unknown Armed Group Attacks Hashd al-Shaabi Brigade Headquarters in Southern Iraq

Gulan Media February 29, 2024 News
Unknown Armed Group Attacks Hashd al-Shaabi Brigade Headquarters in Southern Iraq

In a brazen assault on Thursday, an unknown armed group launched an attack on the headquarters of Sayyid al-Shuhada, the 14th Brigade of Hashd al-Shaabi, in southern Dhi Qar province, according to media reports.

The incident unfolded in the Askari neighborhood of Suq Sheikh district in southern Dhi Qar, where assailants reportedly utilized an RPG, inflicting significant damage to the headquarters of Sayyid al-Shuhada.

Despite the swift response of security forces, who promptly arrived at the scene for investigation, the perpetrators managed to evade capture, leaving their identities shrouded in mystery. Fortunately, no casualties were reported in the wake of the assault.

Iraq, plagued by the persistent presence of the Islamic State (IS), continues to grapple with frequent attacks on military installations and civilians alike. The elusive nature of the group's members, who often seek refuge in marshlands, caves, and remote rural areas to evade detection, poses a formidable challenge to security forces.

Of particular concern is the heightened activity of IS in disputed Kurdish territories, notably Kirkuk province, where a security void has persisted since pro-Iranian Hashd al-Shaabi militia groups assumed control in 2017.

This incident comes on the heels of a recent attempt by an individual wearing an explosive belt to infiltrate the headquarters of a pro-Iranian Hashd al-Shaabi faction in Salahaddin province. Fortunately, security forces swiftly neutralized the intruder, averting any potential loss of life.

As investigations into the attack on Sayyid al-Shuhada's headquarters unfold, authorities remain vigilant in their efforts to apprehend those responsible and mitigate the threat posed by extremist elements operating within the region.
