• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Hengaw Organization Releases Alarming Human Rights Report, Exposing Widespread Abuses in Iran

Gulan Media January 1, 2024 News
Hengaw Organization Releases Alarming Human Rights Report, Exposing Widespread Abuses in Iran

In a comprehensive and distressing report, the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights has unveiled staggering statistics illustrating the dire state of human rights in Iran during 2023. The report sheds light on various concerning aspects, including executions, Kolbar casualties, mine explosions, prison conditions, illegal arrests, and the persecution of activists. The findings underscore the urgent need for international attention and intervention to address the escalating human rights crisis in the country.


The Statistics and Documentation Center of Hengaw reported a shocking total of 823 executions in various Iranian prisons in 2023. Among those executed, 31 faced death sentences for political and religious activities, participation in protests, and involvement in social movements. The victims included 179 Baluchis (21.5% of total executions), 151 Kurds (18.5%), 54 Turks, 48 Lurs, and 28 Afghans. Disturbingly, 22 women and 5 children under the age of 18 at the time of their crimes were among those executed.

Kolbar Casualties:

The report documented a notable escalation in Kolbar deaths and injuries in 2023, with 41 Kolbars losing their lives and 292 sustaining injuries. The majority of these incidents (86.5%) resulted from direct actions by the Iranian armed forces, while others were due to mine explosions.

Mine Explosions:

At least 27 people lost their lives in mine explosions, with victims including ordinary civilians, workers, and Kolbars. The report highlighted the tragic cases of four children and one woman among the mine explosion victims, urging immediate attention to address this issue.

Prison Conditions:

The report revealed that at least 34 prisoners lost their lives in Iranian prisons, with 11 deaths attributed to torture. Over 27% of the deceased were political prisoners, emphasizing the pressing need for improved prison conditions and human rights protections.

Illegal Arrests:

Hengaw documented 2,342 cases of verified arrests or forced disappearances by Iranian security institutions in 2023. Notably, 42% of those arrested were Kurdish, and 26% were Baloch. The report also highlighted the disturbing detention of 214 children and teenagers under the age of 18.

Legal Persecution of Activists:

In 2023, 568 political, religious, and civil activists stood trial in Iran, with 21 receiving death sentences. Among them, the report noted the execution of Turkish political prisoner Nasrin Namazi and the suspicious death of Javad Rouhi in prison. Kurdish activists faced a significant portion of the sentences, emphasizing the need for justice and protection for activists.


At least 122 women were killed in Iran in 2023, with 32% of cases attributed to so-called honor killings. The report highlighted the alarming trend of women being killed by close family members, emphasizing the urgent need to address gender-based violence and protect women's rights.

The comprehensive report by Hengaw underscores the critical human rights situation in Iran, calling for immediate international attention, intervention, and advocacy for fundamental reforms to protect the rights of Iranian citizens. Further detailed thematic reports on specific topics will be published in the coming days.
