• Monday, 22 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Meets with Iraqi National Security Service Chief to Enhance Security Coordination

Gulan Media December 20, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Meets with Iraqi National Security Service Chief to Enhance Security Coordination

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and Abdul Karim Abd Fadhil, head of the Iraqi National Security Service (INSS), convened on Wednesday to underscore the critical need for enhanced security coordination between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi federal government.

Discussions centered on the joint efforts to combat ISIS, with both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region having established security agreements with the International Coalition to Defeat ISIS. The meeting addressed the ongoing challenge of security gaps along the Kurdistan Region's border with Iraq, known as the "disputed territories," which ISIS has exploited since 2017, launching hit-and-run attacks against security forces and civilians.

The genesis of these security gaps dates back to the aftermath of the Kurdistan Region's 2017 independence referendum, during which Iraqi forces and Iranian-backed militias of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) displaced the Peshmerga from Kirkuk and other disputed territories. This led to a cessation of military cooperation between Iraqi and Kurdish forces.

Despite past tensions, both sides have resumed military ties and regularly engage in joint operations against ISIS to counter the terror group's resurgence. However, occasional friction has been observed, as seen in the Oct. 22 incident when Iraqi forces and Peshmerga exchanged fire in Makhmour, resulting in the unfortunate deaths of three Peshmerga fighters.

Relations were swiftly restored after a Nov. 2 agreement between the Ministry of Peshmerga and the Iraqi Armed Forces, aimed at coordinating efforts in Makhmour. This highlights ongoing efforts to maintain stability and cooperation in the region.
