• Monday, 22 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Welcomes New Greek Consul General

Gulan Media December 11, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Welcomes New Greek Consul General

Today, Kurdistan Region's Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, warmly received the newly appointed Greek Consul General to the region, Nikolaos Stergioulas.

At the onset of the meeting, the Prime Minister extended his congratulations to the Greek Consul General on assuming his duties and conveyed his best wishes for success in his new role. He also expressed the Kurdistan Regional Government's readiness for collaboration and mutual coordination.

In response, the Greek Consul General reaffirmed his country's keen interest in strengthening ties with the Kurdistan Region, particularly in the areas of culture, trade, and agriculture. The meeting highlighted the shared commitment to fostering cooperation and enhancing diplomatic relations between Greece and the Kurdistan Region.

The discussions emphasized the potential for collaboration in various sectors, laying the groundwork for future engagements and partnerships between the two entities. Both parties expressed optimism about the prospects of deepening their bilateral relations for the benefit of their respective communities. The Kurdistan Region continues to welcome diplomatic representatives, reinforcing its commitment to building strong international ties.
