• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Kurdistan Democratic Party Donates Kirkuk Headquarters to Kirkuk University

Gulan Media October 27, 2023 News
Kurdistan Democratic Party Donates Kirkuk Headquarters to Kirkuk University

The Iraqi federal government has warmly received the recent charitable initiative by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), as they have decided to donate their headquarters in Kirkuk to Kirkuk University. The announcement came following a meeting chaired by Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, President of the KDP, during which various Iraqi developments, particularly the relations between Erbil and Baghdad, were discussed.

The KDP's decision to offer its Kirkuk headquarters to students in the disputed Kurdish city was motivated by the desire to foster unity and stability in Kirkuk and to pay tribute to the resilient and determined people of the city.

In response to this gesture, Basim al-Awadi, spokesperson for the federal government, conveyed the government's appreciation, stating, "The government welcomes the Kurdistan Democratic Party's gesture of donating its headquarters in Kirkuk to Kirkuk University. The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for this thoughtful act and reiterated the government's commitment to preserving security, coexistence, and unity in Kirkuk and all Iraqi provinces. This aligns with the government's program and the rule of law, with the goal of fostering a prosperous Iraq where all citizens can enjoy peace and security."

The KDP has also emphasized its commitment to engage in dialogues and cooperation with a range of political entities and governmental parties, with the aim of strengthening common objectives and effectively addressing any existing disparities, all while adhering to the fundamental principles of the region.

This move by the KDP marks a significant development in the region, especially considering their withdrawal from their Kirkuk headquarters in 2017. Back then, the Iraqi military, in collaboration with pro-Iran Hashd al-Shaabi militias, took control of Kirkuk and other contested territories in response to the independence referendum held in the Kurdistan Region earlier that year. The recent donation of the headquarters reflects the KDP's dedication to fostering unity and stability, providing a positive step forward for the region.

As both the KDP and the federal government express their commitment to working together to preserve security and unity, it is anticipated that this gesture will contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious future for Kirkuk and all of Iraq.
