• Monday, 22 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Emphasizes Bilateral Relations with Outgoing Armenian Consul General

Gulan Media October 7, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Emphasizes Bilateral Relations with Outgoing Armenian Consul General

Erbil, Kurdistan Region - On Saturday, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani warmly received the outgoing Armenian Consul General, Arshak Manoukian, in a meeting aimed at strengthening the ties between their respective nations. This significant diplomatic encounter was characterized by expressions of goodwill and appreciation, as reported by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

Prime Minister Barzani conveyed his best wishes for Consul General Manoukian's future endeavors, recognizing his invaluable contributions during his tenure as the Armenian envoy in the Kurdistan Region. The KRG issued a statement following the meeting to highlight the Kurdish leader's commitment to enhancing bilateral relations.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Barzani commended Consul General Manoukian for his diligent efforts in fostering relations between the cities of Yerevan and Erbil. This acknowledgment underscores the importance of sustained diplomatic collaboration between the Kurdistan Region and Armenia.

In response, Consul General Manoukian expressed profound gratitude to the institutions of the Kurdistan Regional Government for their unwavering support and cooperative spirit. His expression of thanks reinforces the mutual respect and goodwill that have been pivotal in nurturing the ties between Armenia and the Kurdistan Region.

The meeting between Prime Minister Barzani and Consul General Manoukian underscores the commitment of both nations to deepening their diplomatic connections and underscores the importance of strong bilateral relations in the international arena.
