• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani Expresses Concern Over Treatment of Kurdistan Region in Iraqi Budget Bill

Gulan Media June 13, 2023 News
President Nechirvan Barzani Expresses Concern Over Treatment of Kurdistan Region in Iraqi Budget Bill

Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Today, President Nechirvan Barzani of the Kurdistan Region voiced his concerns over the treatment of the Kurdistan Region and the Disputed Territories during the parliamentary debates on the three-year Iraqi budget bill. While welcoming the approval of the budget, President Barzani criticized certain Members of Parliament (MPs) for disregarding the rights and entitlements of the Kurdistan Region.

President Barzani emphasized the need for the budget law to be implemented fairly, taking into account the constitutional status of the Kurdistan Region as a political entity and the rights of the Disputed Territories. He highlighted the importance of protecting the interests of the region and ensuring that the financial entitlements and wages of Kurdistan Region employees are not delayed or neglected due to political reasons.

The President expressed his deep concern over the behavior of some MPs during the budget debate, which he believed went against the principles of the political agreement of the State Administration Coalition. He stressed that such actions do not serve the political process, the situation, or the future of Iraq.

President Barzani also acknowledged that the division among Kurdistani parties poses a significant challenge to the Kurdistan Region, but he urged for a common political will and the prioritization of the public interest. He suggested that the current situation could be turned into an opportunity to strengthen mutual trust, organize internal affairs, ease tensions, resolve differences, and ultimately strengthen Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

The President's remarks reflect his commitment to advocating for the fair treatment and rights of the Kurdistan Region within the framework of a united Iraq. He called for unity and cooperation among all stakeholders to address the concerns raised and work towards a prosperous and stable future for both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

The President's statement comes at a critical time as Iraq strives for economic development and political stability. The implementation of the approved three-year budget bill will play a crucial role in shaping the country's future, and President Barzani's concerns highlight the importance of ensuring inclusivity and fairness for all regions and entities within Iraq.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the Iraqi government and relevant stakeholders will address President Barzani's concerns and work towards a resolution that upholds the principles of equality and mutual respect among all citizens of Iraq.
