• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

International Conference on Feyli Kurds Genocide Kicks Off in Kurdistan's Erbil

International Conference on Feyli Kurds Genocide Kicks Off in Kurdistan's Erbil

The international scientific conference on the genocide of the Feyli Kurds has begun in the capital of Kurdistan, Erbil. The conference is being held in cooperation between the universities of Erbil, Dohuk, and Soran and will continue for three days starting from May 2, 2023, at the Saad Abdullah Hall in Erbil.

Notable attendees of the conference include President Masoud Barzani, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region Masrour Barzani, officials from the federal government, university professors, historians, and activists from inside and outside the region.

The genocide of the Feyli Kurds began in Iraq in several stages, from the monarchy to the Ba'athist regime. After 1980, the Feyli were expelled from their homes and deprived of all their belongings, according to Ba'ath Party Decree No. 666.

Statistics show that more than 22,000 young Feyli men died in the 1980s, and 5,000 Feyli merchants were buried alive. Additionally, around 600,000 Feyli were deported from Iraq to Iran, where many of them died in exile.

The conference aims to raise awareness of the various aspects of the genocide, study and document it, shed light on it in various scientific fields, identify and highlight the historical and legal responsibility for this crime, and encourage researchers and specialists to study the different aspects of the genocide against the Feyli Kurds. It also aims to present scientific theories that contribute to addressing their problems, understanding their situations and suffering, and seeking international recognition of the genocide.

Furthermore, the conference seeks to crystallize a future vision regarding the axes, effects, and consequences of the genocide against the Feyli Kurds, enhance the understanding of the situation of the Feyli, and encourage academic capabilities and potentials to provide assistance and support for them.

The conference is an important step towards documenting and recognizing the atrocities committed against the Feyli Kurds, and it highlights the efforts of the Kurdish authorities to seek justice and reparations for the victims of the genocide.
