• Sunday, 01 September 2024

Erbil Governor Calls for Direct Flight Line with Paris and Accepts Official Invitation for Kurdistan Delegation to 2024 Olympics

Gulan Media April 27, 2023 News
Erbil Governor Calls for Direct Flight Line with Paris and Accepts Official Invitation for Kurdistan Delegation to 2024 Olympics

In a significant development, Erbil Governor Omed Khoshnaw visited Paris, France, on April 26, 2023, as part of the International League of Governors and Mayors of Francophone Countries conference, which saw more than 300 governors and mayors from around the world, including the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, come together.

During the meeting, Governor Khoshnaw expressed his gratitude for the continuous support that the French people provide to the Kurdistan Region and its people. He thanked France for its historic role in supporting the Kurdish people, especially in the fight against ISIS, and emphasized the need to strengthen the relationship between Erbil and Paris. He also officially invited Mayor Hidalgo to visit Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

Governor Khoshnaw called for the opening of a direct line between the airports of Erbil and Paris to promote trade and communication, along with the enhancement and development of relations between Salahaddin University and Paris universities. He also highlighted the importance of French schools in the capital, Erbil, and urged for more attention to be paid to them.

The Governor thanked Mayor Hidalgo for inviting a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Erbil Governorate to participate in the 2024 Olympics, which will be held in Paris, France. He emphasized the importance of preserving the environment and the effects of climate change and called for the utilization of the skills and expertise of French experts in the Kurdistan Region, specifically Erbil, in recycling and environmental protection projects.

Erbil Governor Calls for Direct Flight Line with Paris and Accepts Official Invitation for Kurdistan Delegation to 2024 Olympics

Mayor Hidalgo expressed her country's appreciation for the role played by President Barzani and the Peshmerga forces in fighting and defeating ISIS. She expressed her happiness with Governor Khoshnaw's visit and stated that Kurdistan holds a special place in the hearts of the French people.

At the end of the meeting, Governor Khoshnaw presented a gift from the Erbil Governorate to Mayor Hidalgo, and in return, Mayor Hidalgo presented a gift from the City of Paris to Governor Khoshnaw. This meeting will surely pave the way for a strengthened relationship between Erbil and Paris, promoting trade, communication, and environmental protection.
