• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani offers congratulations to Kurdish Writers Union

Gulan Media February 10, 2023 News
President Nechirvan Barzani offers congratulations to Kurdish Writers Union

I warmly congratulate the Kurdish Writers Union on the 53rd anniversary of its founding. I extend my congratulations to Kurdistan’s writers and literary community, and wish them success.

On this occasion, we pay tribute to the struggle and contributions of the Kurdish Writers Union for more than half a century. We salute their outstanding service to Kurdish literature, language and culture and their national stance during the struggle of the people of Kurdistan for freedom.

We commemorate this day as we emphasize the importance of writers’ presence and crucial role in fostering the spirit of patriotism and human values, and in promoting the foundation of an advanced society; their invaluable contributions in promoting the Kurdish language and literature, in preserving Kurdish identity and culture, and in deepening of tolerance and solidarity.

Greetings and salutations to the souls of the martyred writers who died for the freedom of their people and country. Tribute to those who have devoted their lives to writing, innovation and service to the Kurdish language and literature. We honor their memories and pay tribute to their proud families.

We look forward to the continued works and creativity of Kurdish and Kurdistani writers as we reiterate our continued support for them.

Nechirvan Barzani
The President of the Kurdistan Region
