• Thursday, 16 January 2025

President Barzani visits Syrian refugee camp

Gulan Media August 21, 2013 News
President Barzani visits Syrian refugee camp
Kurdish President Masoud Barzani visits Syrian refugees at the Quru Gusik refugee camp in Erbil, about 350 km (220 miles) north of Baghdad, August 19, 2013.

An estimated 29,000 Syrian refugees have entered Iraqi Kurdistan since Thursday in one of the largest crossings in Syria's two-year-old conflict and the influx is continuing, the United Nations said on Monday.

Accompanied by a delegation, Barzani visited Quru Gusik camp in Erbil, the overwhelming majority of whom are Kurds from northern and northeastern Syria.

Barzani ensured the refugees that Kurdistan is their second home till they will return their regions.

The refugees expressed their gratitude for the KRG's policy of receiving them, but also expressed concern over the total number of refugees rapidly increasing if the situation in Syria remains unresolved.