• Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs to hold a Conference regarding Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court

Gulan Media August 19, 2013 News
Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs to hold a Conference regarding Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs of KRG had announced that the Ministry and "Kurdistan without Genocide Organization" shall hold tomorrow August 20, 2013, a conference regarding the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court at the aim of making August 20 the Justice Day.

The statement stressed that the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court had held its first session regarding Anfal issue was in August 20, 2006 and for that reason the conference is dated on August 20, 2013.

The Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal (formerly Iraqi Special Tribunal) is a body established under Iraqi national law to try Iraqi nationals or residents accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or other serious crimes committed between 1968 and 2003. It organized the trial of Saddam Hussein and other members of his Ba'ath Party regime.