• Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Blasts Rock Libya's Capital and Eastern City

Blasts Rock Libya's Capital and Eastern City
Libyan officials say explosions went off in the capital Tripoli and the restive eastern city of Benghazi, but no casualties were reported.

A security official says one bombing targeted an abandoned church in Benghazi that had been previously damaged by fire. The explosion damaged only a car parked outside.

The official says two other explosions targeted parked security vehicles elsewhere in the city. A soldier was lightly wounded from flying debris.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

Tripoli's security spokesman, Essam el-Naas, says two suspects have been arrested for an explosion near the Saudi, Greek and Palestinian embassies. A second went off near a security building.

He did not give further details about the suspects.

All explosions took place Saturday.

By ESAM MOHAMED Associated Press