• Monday, 29 July 2024

President Barzani :Kurds will decide if the Baghdad government tended to dictatorship

Gulan Media September 22, 2012 News
President Barzani :Kurds will decide if the Baghdad government tended to dictatorship
-The Kurdistan regional president Massoud Barzani that Iraq is going through a sensitive stage which should abide by the constitution, while noting that the people of Kurdistan region decision if the federal government moved towards dictatorship and individual.

Yesterday President Barzani during his participation in the World Conference of the parties and the parties of democracy, in the Italian capital Rome, saying that “the struggle of the Kurdish people for freedom led to a go a long way and important role in nation-building, as it has been installed all the rights and duties of all other components in the region through the law and constitutional institutions. ”

He added that “the Kurdistan region put forward after 2003 the nature and form of the relations within the framework of the constitution, which proved the rights and duties of both the province and the federal government within the federal system and on the basis of consensus and genuine partnership and balance.”

Noting that “Iraq is passing through a sensitive stage and the policy of the province towards a clear and transparent, as long as committed Iraq to democracy and the Constitution as long as we were part of the federal system,” stressing at the same time that “the people of Kurdistan will not live under the shadow of a dictatorial regime, if not adhered to the Government of Iraq to the Constitution and headed toward dictatorship and individual then will the people of Kurdistan another decision. ”

Pres.Barzani concluded his speech by saying, “We affirm our support for a just solution to the problem of the Kurdish people in all other parts of Kurdistan and a democratic and peaceful manner is far from violence.”