• Monday, 29 July 2024

Economic infrastructure bill contains financial and constitutional violations, says Kurdish MP

Gulan Media September 22, 2012 News
Economic infrastructure bill contains financial and constitutional violations, says Kurdish MP
Iraqi economic infrastructure bill contains financial and constitutional violations and the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC) is waiting for the decision of Kurdistan political leadership to vote to or against the bill, said a KBC MP.

Mahma Khalil said since three days ago a committee of six KBC members has been working on and listening to the comments of the Kurdish leadership over the bill.

He said "the KBC deems the bill of the economic infrastructure contains violations against the financial management law and the Iraqi permanent constitution," but he did not comment on any details.

"The bill, technically, has a political nature rather than an economic one," Khlil said, adding "the KBC is awaiting the final decision of Kurdistan political leadership to vote to or against the bill."

The Kurdish MP also warned the Kurdistan Region to "be cautious and do not commit a historical mistake."

The mistake, he explained is "to agree to the allocation of $4 billion to the Kurdistan Region from the budget allotted to the economic infrastructure bill which reaches $37 billion in the form of debts, in exchange for cutting up to $9 billion from the Kurdistan Region's general budget share in the coming five years for those debts."

The KBC committee is expected to submit its report about the economic infrastructure bill next week, said Aref Tayfur, KBC MP and the second deputy for speaker of the Council of Representatives.
