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Actress in Islam Movie Sues Producer

Gulan Media September 20, 2012 News
Actress in Islam Movie Sues Producer
An actress in the anti-Islam movie causing friction around the world is suing the producer, reports TMZ.

Cindy Lee Garcia says producer Nakoula Bassely Nakoula, aka Sam Bacile, told her the movie was going to be a harmless adventure flick called Desert Warrior, not the Innocence of Muslims. The lines insulting to Islam and Mohammed were dubbed in afterward, says the lawsuit. "There was no mention of 'Mohammed' during filming or on the set."

The suit also names Google and YouTube, and demands that the video get pulled, reports AP. Garcia says she has gone into hiding because of death threats and is seeking unspecified damages. "This lawsuit is not an attack on the First Amendment nor on the right of Americans to say what they think, but does request that the offending content be removed from the Internet," it states.