• Monday, 29 July 2024

President Obama Gives Iowa Couple Huge Wedding Surprise

Gulan Media September 19, 2012 News
President Obama Gives Iowa Couple Huge Wedding Surprise
When Sayli and Jon Gibbs got married on Sept. 1 at Living History Farms in Urbandale, Iowa, in front of close friends and family, they expected that it would be a romantic day they would never forget. What they did not expect was that the barn they chose would also be the site of a last-minute rally for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign.

The couple was told that the president's event, which started in the morning, may run past schedule, and that the parking lot of the venue would be closed to cars. So Sayli had to walk across the parking lot carrying her wedding gown. Luckily for the couple, the president left on time, and he also left behind a special gift: a silver tray and a mint julep cup, both with the presidential seal, and a handwritten note that read, "Congratulations on the wedding. Michelle and I wish you a great life together. Barack Obama."

Neither Sayli nor Jon is a registered Democrat; nonetheless, they were still delighted to receive the gift. Jon Gibbs said, "Love him or hate him, it's a gift from the president." Photographer Loren Paul snapped a picture of the gift, and a friend posted it on Reddit, where it made the front page and received hundreds of comments.

One commenter questioned how the president had gifts like that on hand, writing, "I wonder if the President has a box of emergency presents, just for times like these." It's not clear if the president carries around a stash of gifts, but one thing's for sure: Sayli and Jon Gibbs will have an incredible wedding story to share for a lifetime.