• Monday, 29 July 2024

Kurdish leader: Syrian Kurds will not fight each other

Gulan Media September 5, 2012 News
Kurdish leader: Syrian Kurds will not fight each other
for head of the umbrella organization of Kurdish National Congress (KNC) said there is no possibility of fratricide war among the Kurdish parties in Syria.

"Those who bet that Kurds will face fratricide war in the Syria after the [fall of Bashar al] Assad are just dreaming," said Bengi Haco.

Haco added Kurds in Syria are faced with no threats of fratricide war "at all… All the political parties and forces are united over the patriotic and national issues, especially after singing Erbil agreement."

The agreement, signed under the supervision of Kurdistan Region's President Massoud Barzani, united two major Kurdish alliances in Syria: The People's Council of Western Kurdistan and the Kurdish National Council of Syria.

KNC official said Kurds have always preferred holding dialogue to exercise of violence for settling any issue and will maintain this policy for resolving the Kurdish issue in Syria.

Haco urged the Syrian National Council (the Arabic opposition front) to admit to the ethnic rights of Kurds in the phase after the fall of Assad's regime.

He said " Kurds will not be content with a centralized authority in the current or the future Syria because they demand a decentralized government be created, the rights of Kurds and other nations be protected and democracy be established.

"Kurds in Syria live on their own land… Their soil has been divided [among Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq] by force and against their wish.

"Therefore, those who say they will give Kurds [their] rights are wrong because they are [living] on the Kurdish land and have to admit to their rights…"
