• Monday, 29 July 2024

Ministry to announce contracts of three more pre-import inspection companies

Gulan Media September 5, 2012 News
Ministry to announce contracts of three more pre-import inspection companies
Next week Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation will announce the contracts of three pre-import inspection companies, Ministry's spokesperson said.

The Ministry is done with the final touches on the contracts for the international companies from France, Switzerland and Denmark, said Abd Al-Zahra al-Hindawi.

Hindawi said the companies are internationally well-reputed for their professional performance.

Since the economic sanctions on Iraq were lifted in 2003 more and more products are imported to the country. Many times the imported material are either expired or are of a very low quality.

To control the quality of the imports, the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation contracted in 2011 with a French and a Swizz company. The contract of the latter was annulled in February as the company failed to comply with the requirements.

In addition to the pre-import companies, six laboratories created by the Ministry of Industry and Mines as well as some other centers established by the Central Inspection and Quality Control Foundation inspect the imports before they are introduced to Iraqi markets.
