• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Nujaifi discuss bilateral relations and Syrian crisis

Gulan Media September 4, 2012 News
Nujaifi discuss bilateral relations and Syrian crisis
Speaker for the Council of Representatives Osama al-Nujaifi discussed with Turkish Prime Minister Receb Taib Erdoghan bilateral relations between the two countries and the last developments of the Syrian crisis.

The official's office said in statement: "Nujaifi emphasized the importance of the relation between Baghdad and Ankara via the parliaments and governments of the two countries and overcoming all impediments in their way.

"The two sides talked about the region's situation, especially the Syrian crisis and the latest expectations.

"The meeting was friendly, constructive and lasted for almost two hours."

Lately Iraq-Turkey relations have witnessed significant tension, especially after the visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoghlu to Kirkuk city without the prior knowledge of the federal government.
