• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Auto factory being built in Suli

Gulan Media September 4, 2012 News
Auto factory being built in Suli
A local company in Suli is working to build an auto factory on 90 donums of land, said the head of city and industrial areas at the general directorate of Suli investment.
Salah Hussein said: "After the company Mario received the license from Suli investment to build a company for assembling and making automobiles with some Chinese factory in Suli, the company started designing the factory on the allocated land." .

"In the first step the company will import auto pieces and assemble them here in Suli. At a later stage the factory will work to make the pieces by itself.”

Ninety donums of land in the industrial area have been allocated for the project near Arabt, 27km south of Suli, added Hassan.

He also said: "Later, according to the needs of the company, the allocated land is expected to be increased or reduced."
