• Saturday, 11 January 2025

Kurdistan Region Presidency Calls Cease-fire Between Turkey and PKK

Gulan Media August 6, 2012 News
Kurdistan Region Presidency Calls Cease-fire Between Turkey and PKK
In a statement released, Kurdistan Region Presidency called to finish conflict between Turkish government and Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) that occurred in Hakkari province in Turkey and which according to news report more than a dozen people dead and injured in Saturday night.

Kurdistan President, Masoud Barzani expressed its concern over all conflict between PKK members and Turkey Army and called on all conflict parties to cease-fire to make way for peaceful solutions .President Barzani also asked to resolve issues peacefully through dialogue between two sides.

“We strongly condemn the continuation of these attacks and killings and reiterate our unwavering and steadfast position that violence and armed conflict will not only hurt everyone but will also undermine efforts for a peaceful resolution of the problem,” the statement read.

The statement condemned the PKK military attacks and it would harm for Kurdish issue.