• Saturday, 11 January 2025

Religious, Ideological, Ethnic-based Discrimination Have No Place in Syria's Future Makeup, Head of SNC

Gulan Media August 4, 2012 News
Religious, Ideological, Ethnic-based Discrimination Have No Place in Syria's Future Makeup, Head of SNC
Abdul-Basit Sayda, the Kurdish head of the Syrian National Council (SNC) in a press conference held in Erbil, capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, on August 4 emphasized on the importance of unity for Syrian people and anti- Assad's political forces.

Sayda ensure all sides in a press conference late yesterday in Divan hotel that violence and discrimination based on religion, ethnicity or ideology will not be a part of Syria's future,and told the audience that the Kurdish issue should be resolved through constitutional recognition of Kurds.

Abdul-Basit Sayda arrived in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on August 1 and met with Kurdistan's President Massoud Barzani, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu and members of the Kurdish National Council of Syria (KNCS) discussing the Syrian crisis.

Regards the curent concerns about the future of Kurds in Syrian, Sayda said: " the Kurdish issue is a part of the general crisis in Syria and has been concidered as one of the main issues to resolve within the national project of SNC"

Kurdish problems will be resolved through constitution and Kurds will not be a subject of oppression by other groups in the country's future after Assad's exit, he added.

"We recognize the Kurdish identity and the Kurdish nation should not be oppressed anymore; it should rather be compensated for the past.", Sayda said.

Both in the joint meeting of SNC, KNCS, Turkish and Kurdish authorities in Erbil on August 2 as well as in Sayda's press conferance on August 3, a special emphasize have been given by all sides to the necessity of protecting the territorial unity of Syria.