• Saturday, 11 January 2025

Erbil Governorate allocates 5bn IQD for beatifying Citadel surroundings

Gulan Media August 1, 2012 News
Erbil Governorate allocates 5bn IQD for beatifying Citadel surroundings
Erbil’s Governorate has allocated 5bn IQD for embellishing the Citadel surroundings and city center.
The money amounts to 5,269m IQD.

The project consists of renovating water, sewage and electricity services for neighborhoods in the city center and 600m IQD have been allocated for this.

Some 292m IQD have been allocated for renovation of the outside wall of the Citadel and Machko café.

Some 650m IQD have been allotted for renovation of Alti Barmaq mosque in Erbil Qaisari.

Also 1.1bn IQD were allocated for renovating other roads in the city center. Some 870m IQD were allocated for laying stones from Sirwan market to Shekhi Choli.

The other amounts will be used in repair and renovation projects in the city center.
