• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Kurdistan starts trucking exports of oil to Turkey

Kurdistan starts trucking exports of oil to Turkey
The Kurdistan Regional Government has started trucking exports of crude oil to Turkey despite a long-running dispute between Baghdad and Erbil.

The export of oil will be via tankers for now until the government builds an export pipeline.

Two sources said that trucks had begun transporting crude oil from Kurdistan over the border to Turkey on Thursday, reported the Telegraph.

Erbil and Ankara agreed to build an export pipeline, which could be operational next year to transport oil to Turkey.

Turkish Prime Minister Receb Taib Erdogan said in Brazil: "Iraq’s government halted exporting oil derivatives and fuel to the Kurdistan Region. Thus they asked for fuel and we agreed. Instead they will provide us with crude oil."

Oil analyst at VSA Capital Malcolm Graham-Wood said this move indicates a "serious commitment" between Kurdistan and Turkey.

"We didn't expect this to happen so soon," he said.

He added: "The opening of the border massively increases the scope for Kurdistan to sell crude.”
