• Sunday, 28 July 2024

KRG delegation visits Switzerland

KRG delegation visits Switzerland
The Kurdistan Regional Government sent a delegation to Switzerland Wednesday to visit the KRG consul, the Iraqi Embassy, Iraq’s ambassador to the United Nations, and Switzerland’s Foreign Ministry.

The Kurdistan Regional Government’s foreign affairs office visited the KRG consul in Switzerland to ensure the efficiency and observe more closely the progress being made by the consul.

Afterwards, the KRG consul along with the delegation commenced a sitting with Gells Rodwit Middle-east coordinator, and the Human Right’s director at the Switzerland Foreign Ministry.

Among the subjects discussed in the sitting was the current political crisis in Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s approach to foreign countries, the importance of the bond between Iraq and Switzerland, and several Human Right principals that are essential to a democratic country.

At the close of the meeting, Switzerland’s Foreign Ministry showed their appreciation and commitment towards Kurdistan, and in return received an open invitation to Kurdistan from the visiting delegation.

Kurdistan has been frequently receiving and visiting foreign ministries this year producing strong and reliable bonds with distant and near countries.
