• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Kurdish official: Withdrawing confidence from Maliki "impossible"

Kurdish official: Withdrawing confidence from Maliki
It is "impossible" to win the bid to withdraw confidence from Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki as most of the parties have drawn back from the bid, said second deputy for speaker of the House of Representatives.
There are only Kurds and some MPs from the Iraqiya List who still demand withdrawing confidence from Maliki, said Aref Tayfur.

Tayfur continued it is impossible to withdraw confidence from Maliki but in the House he will be interrogated anyway.

Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC) MP added the Sadr Current which sided KBC and Iraqiya in the bid against Maliki "was not serious from the beginning and when the time for withdrawing confidence came, it drew back."

This is the first official statement by a Kurdish official about the "failure" of the alliance of Maliki's adversaries in attempts to oust Maliki.

Earlier Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, whose Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) is an ally in KBC, rejected a signature campaign for withdrawing confidence from Maliki, due to absence of legal number of signatures (164).

After the failure of signature campaign, the Iraqiya and KBC are trying to set the stage for interrogating Maliki over "constitutional violations" and hope to collect a vote of non-confidence against him. Sadr Current stated it does not support the interrogation session.

"Sadr Current cannot be trusted for an issue like withdrawing confidence from the government," said Fatih Daraghayi, a Kurdistan Islamic Union MP in the KBC.

Daraghayi explained the mistrust sources from the fact that only Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the current, supported the efforts.

He added Sadr Current is still part of the National Alliance, the Shiite alliance which reinstated Maliki and still support him.

"Retreat of these parties from the issue of withdrawing confidence from Maliki is a clear indication that Iraqi Arabs always carry the remains of Baath Party regime's mentality because even if they are in dispute with each other they will unite against Kurds," said Daraghayi.
